Tag Archives: recognition

Employee Engagement: The Key to Fostering a Thriving Workforce (Guest Post)

Grad Australia: Employee Engagement
Image by pfer

Employee engagement refers to the level of commitment and dedication that employees feel towards their job role and the organization. The phenomenon is often confused with employee satisfaction, which refers to the level of contentment and satisfaction of an employee towards their job.

Employee engagement has a broader scope though—it includes the emotional commitment, the level of pride, and the magnitude of discretionary efforts that employees willingly contribute to the success of the organization.

An engaged workforce is committed to pursue whatever goals and visions the organisation sets ahead of them. Here are some effective tips to foster employee engagement within your organization.

Individualize Your Engagement Efforts

Gone are the days when you could apply a generalized engagement strategy to your entire workforce. Since personalization is on the rise, nowdays engaging employees will require you to motivate each employee and increase their level of dedication, commitment, and involvement in organizational growth through an approach that is personalized and individualistic engagement.

The “treat people the way you want to be treated” philosophy has changed to “treat people the way they wish to be treated.” Implementing this change in philosophy will improve your relationship with your employees, making it more genuine, trusted, and profitable.

Create a Feedback and Response Mechanism

Incorporate a system of feedback and response mechanisms in your HR strategy. This will provide you realistic insights into the tasks and operations being performed. Such insights collected in real-time will make it convenient for you to track status and progress, provide instant feedback and response, and resolve questions and concerns. This will enhance the efficiency of employees’ work, eventually optimizing end results and boosting employee morale and motivation.

Introduce a Fair Recognition Mechanism

It’s a good practice to review and reflect upon the individual and collective performances that have made significant contributions to the organization’s growth and progress over a specific period of time. Incorporating a reward and recognition platform in your management designs and strategies will create a thriving and competitive culture within your organization.

Your employees will try to take the lead and put in their best efforts when they are assured that their efforts will be recognized, praised, and duly rewarded.

Break the Monotony

A workplace doesn’t have to be all about work every day. Although you cannot possibly arrange an activity on a regular basis, make it a point that you organize an interesting activity or excursion at least twice a year. Take your employees on a staff cruise, or arrange some beachside fun to help them get rid of stress and fatigue and spend a good day out in the sun.

Also, presenting customized gifts such as bespoke drink bottles, tees, or caps will make a good souvenir and keepsake to commemorate the day.

Engage Line Managers

Line managers act as an anchor or intermediate link between the workforce and top management. Since employee engagement is a top-level management function and starts at the top, it is the responsibility of organizational leaders and senior management to engage and involve managers and focal persons. This will encourage a culture of leadership at all tiers and ensure maximum involvement, commitment, and dedication from employees.

–by Grad Australia (GAU)

Are You Tracking Your Accomplishments To Advance Your Career?

Photo by Joan Brunner
Photo by Joan Brunner

During the time I worked in the music business—for two record labels and two music dot-com’s—I had a great boss I worked for at three of those four companies. I remember during a walk around our block of downtown Nashville one day his encouraging me to always log my accomplishments.

Sometimes after we land that new job we’ve worked for so hard, we tend to relax and not think about such things. We shift focus onto getting up to speed, learning policies and procedures, and being successful in the new role. And for those of us who were brought up in the South or a conservative country, we’re probably used to parental admonition to be humble and avoid bragging.

But having an advantage in every step of the job search process can help put you ahead of the competition (and, this type information can also give you concrete examples at raise time.) So always keep up with your accomplishments and the big recognizable clients you’ve worked with at each job.

For example, although I did not work directly with the client, the work I did for the Project Managers and Sales Managers at one large company included NASA, Texas A&M University, and Boeing. Impressive clients on a résumé can really draw the attention of hiring managers.

Your new job is most likely not the last job you will have in your career, and it’s easier to keep up with accomplishments as they happen rather than trying to think back later. I recommend creating a word processing document that is not your résumé, and as you accomplish significant things outside of your expected duties or work with noteworthy clients, log it there. Shoot for listing at least one top accomplishment per year with each company. Then you can pick and choose what to include the next time you update your résumé.

People get promoted not only because they do a good job but because they perform beyond expectations, showing they can be effective in helping their company reach tomorrow’s goals. So as I mentioned earlier, keeping up with your accomplishments as you achieve them will also be to your benefit come performance review time.

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