Tag Archives: networking

GUEST POST: Are You Expendable or Expandable?

Expendable or expandable
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For the past ten years I’ve been facilitating a networking group that is designed for senior level professionals and executives in transition called the Transition Café. While I’m happy to report that job search activity and opportunities for folks at these levels is quite robust, I still see many people finding themselves back in career transition every two to three years. With this “burn and churn” cycle it’s no reason that feeling expendable is a thought that can creep into one’s head. So how does one manage these feelings? First and foremost, you have to drop this notion that any company can place an expiration date on you. Instead of labeling yourself as expendable, try changing your mindset and think of yourself as expandable. So what are some ways you can do this?

1. Expand Your Network – Now we all know how important networking is, but very few of us do it, let alone do it effectively. While there are tactics and etiquette one can employ, the best way for you to become a great networker is to do it often and do it with purpose. All too often I see newly transitioned people immerse themselves in the networking game only to abandon the relationships they built once they land a job. If you want to truly recession-proof yourself, continue to build your community of contacts, and keep your network ALIVE. Make it a part of your normal work routine. Nurture and foster the relationships you’ve made, and always be building new ones. You know the saying, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” and in reality, “it’s who you know WELL.” Need a place to start networking? Keep abreast of what’s going on in your community at local chamber events, and stay on top of industry trends in a professional association related to your field.

2. Expand Your Skill Set – Without a doubt, we should always be in a learning mode and adding to our knowledge base. Whether you’re in transition or not, now is the time to take stock of your inventory of skills, talents, passions and goals and begin creating a plan to position yourself for continued success. Are you a bit weak on the social media side? Take a class on how you can build your social media presence and personal brand. And if you are employed, don’t necessarily wait for your employer to pay for training. Make the commitment to invest in yourself! In business you’ve probably heard of conducting a SWOT Analysis, which is essentially identifying your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Don’t be intimidated by this acronym. It’s basically a gap analysis of where you are today and where you want to be in the future. Keep it simple by really thinking through this exercise and devising a plan to better yourself. Do you want that competitive edge? Then don’t wait until you’re in transition. Be proactive and do your SWOT analysis now vs. being reactive and doing it after you lose your job.

3. Expand Your Income Possibilities – For most people, diversifying their income stream is a “foreign” concept, but in today’s world this strategy is probably one of the best ways to recession-proof yourself. Now let me qualify this by saying this approach is not for everybody, but it’s worth consideration. Some ways to do this would be by freelancing on the side, consulting, sub-contracting, ecommerce, owning income producing investments like rental properties, and business ownership. In my world of franchising, we have clients that work full-time jobs and also operate what we call semi-absentee franchises. Their goal is to create another income stream to not only supplement their income and build wealth, but to also protect themselves from relying on only one source of income, their current employer. I have a career coach friend who refers to this as creating a Portfolio Career. Kind of like creating an investment portfolio but for your career. It’s all about diversification and not putting all of your eggs in one basket.

4. Expand Your Volunteering – Do you have a desire to build your leadership skills? Make amazing contacts with high caliber, well-connected people? Be a part of your community? And most importantly, do something that is fulfilling and gives back to society? Then bolster your volunteer activities. Volunteering clearly provides both social and professional benefits, but it can also be an amazing mood booster for us.

5. Expand Your Comfort Zone – This last suggestion essentially encapsulates all of the ideas mentioned above by continuing to challenge ourselves to get out of our comfort zones. Doing all or some of these things is not easy. It takes time, thought, and commitment. However, you don’t have to be a super hero to initiate these activities. Perfection is not the ultimate goal. Start with one goal and continue to expand. See what works for you and gets you jazzed up. It’s all about growing and improving ourselves. Apply this mindset, and make the uncomfortable, COMFORTABLE!

About the Author:
Dan Aronoff has over 20 years of business experience working for both small and large companies, most notably in the human resources arena. He had the opportunity to work with Exxon Corporation, Kraft Foods, Kendle International (a pharmaceutical clinical trials organization) and his family’s business, Goldner Associates, which is an advertising specialties company. In 2005 he fulfilled a lifelong dream of becoming an entrepreneur by buying the Tennessee territory of FranNet-The Franchise Connection, a franchise matchmaking service (www.FranNet.com/daronoff). Dan taught Franchise Management to students in the School of Entrepreneurship at Belmont University in the Fall of 2011 and continues to speak to aspiring Belmont students. Since 2006, he has also facilitated the Transition Café, a networking event for senior level professionals and executives in career transition (www.TransitionCafe.com).

College Students: Why You Should Do An Internship While You Can

intern, internship, internships, student, networking, career, planning, preparation, college, university
Photo by Geoff Duncan

Being a student fresh out of college in this day and age is more challenging than ever. I worked summers and during Christmas break during college because I needed the money as I’m sure all students do. And I coveted my study and free time during the semesters and never did an internship.

Although most are unpaid, an internship is one of the best ways to meet, work and network with movers and shakers in your field of study…not to mention giving hiring managers a taste of the great work you do and your reliability, creativity, and work ethic. Side note, at least here in Nashville, I know frequently that there are actually more companies wanting interns than there are students wanting to intern! Go supply and demand!

Students should do an internship at one of their top target companies if they can afford the opportunity cost. If you need to work a paying job during college, try doing the internship the summer before your final year. Or better, consider interning during your last semester. Make sure to contact the companies you’re considering in late summer to check if a Spring-only internship is an option, since some may only offer a Fall+Spring option. This way you won’t be blindsided and miss the boat on a great opportunity.

You’ll get firsthand real world knowledge at a company ideally in the department in which you’ll be working once you graduate. This could help you have an advantage over those applicants unknown to the company and earn you a full time job after graduation. Even if you are not hired on after, a reference from your manager as well as opportunities to network during the internship can be valuable tools in efforts toward a solid first job. You could meet someone at another company that may end up hiring you down the road. At worst, you will be able to start building your network.

You seasoned folks, what other advice do you have for forward-thinking college students on preparing for a career? Please comment.
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MUCHO MONDAYS – Fiesta!: After You Have Your New Job, A Checklist

benefits, insurance, evaluation, celebration, considerations, alerts, professional association, LinkedIn, filter, budget, vacation time, volunteering, networking, network, colleagues, friends, family, headhunters, doctor
Photo by Maria Elisa Duque

Congratulations! All your hard work, networking, resume’ writing, and everything else you’ve worked so hard for in your position as a marketer of yourself has paid off! But before you simply show up for the first day with your briefcase and Scooby Doo lunchbox in hand, here are some reminders that should ease the transition into your new job.

• If you have certain things you always bring from home (photos, office supplies, notes) box those up and have them ready to bring with you day one.
• If you have kids, plan with your spouse who will do what based on the hours/days of your new position.
• Follow any instructions your new company has given you, and return any forms they’ve asked you to complete.

• Turn off job postings alerts from sites like indeed, careerbuilder, and beyond.com (and de-activate your resume’) as well as those you have set up with job boards at any professional association sites. Change pref’s to stop or reduce any communiqué coming from LinkedIn.
• Set email filters at job posting groups of which you’re a member to direct those to the Trash.
• Delete all your recurrent events on your calendar.
• Give your new work phone number to your spouse, etc. Get your supervisor’s office and (if it is appropriate) cell phone numbers into your phone.
• Figure out your new budget after receiving your first check.
• Treat yourself! You’ve worked hard for months. Buy something from your Wantlist.
• Find out about how to set up direct deposit. Make sure you understand your vacation time and benefits. Set up things like insurance and employee retirement funds when the time comes. Cancel any independent insurance policies you’re on.
• Meet as many people as you can early on. Not only is this beneficial in case you have questions about something, but it helps build goodwill and fit you into the family and culture of the company. Try to understand the hierarchy as you go.
• Volunteer for some things as you see opportunities arise. I was asked to judge a dessert contest—boy, was someone dead on with that one!
• Alert your headhunters that you have a job and to change your status to Inactive (but not delete you from their system.) Thank them for their help.

• Email (at least bulk) your networking colleagues to thank them for their help and let them know where you landed and what your title is.
• Facebook or email your friends and family to do the same.
• Clean up your Job folder in your email. You could delete any messages 9 months or older.
• Add the new job to your LinkedIn profile & update your Headline and if relevant, your City and Industry.
• Schedule any doctor or dentist appointments you may have been putting off.
• Update your profile at any professional organizations of which you’re a member.
• Don’t throw all your network out the window. Try to attend at least one networking event a month.
• (From day 1 forward) keep track of your accomplishments